Friday, October 24, 2008

College Graduate Resume

The College Graduate Resume

You’ve just graduated from college (or you are about to) and you have little or no work experience. How do you craft a college graduate resume that garners the attention of prospective employers? Is it even possible to create an effective resume when you have little or no work experience? Definitely!

While recent college graduates and entry-level jobseekers have unique challenges when it comes to resume development, there are techniques that work well in this situation.

Let’s first visit the purpose of a resume. It does not have to perform the task of getting you a job. All it has to do is get you an interview. So the primary mission of a resume (and cover letter) is to arouse the reader's interest and market your abilities and accomplishments so that you get asked to an interview.

Here are a few techniques to assist in the writing of a college graduate resume:

1. Keep your resume and cover letter targeted to one career at one company (at a time). Be specific and focused.
2. Any activity or group in which you held an office, performed related work or gained experience that highlights your skills is a possibility for use on a resume. It doesn’t matter if you were paid or not. It can be used in a summary of your qualifications.
3. Visit a variety of websites to learn more about the daily responsibilities, academic requirements, technical skills, and other qualifications needed for your target position. The Occupational Outlook Handbook from the Bureau of Labor Statistics is a great resource. The more you can match your skills to those that are expected in the position for which you are applying, the better your chances of getting called for an interview.
4. Focus on what you can do for the employer not what you expect them to provide for you once you get hired. Be positive and energetic in your choice of language and don’t forget to use action keywords to make a confident impact on the employer.

Like anything else in life, you need to clearly understand where you are heading in order to get there. Although it is highly unlikely that your first job after college will last until retirement, it is the job that starts your career, so planning and preparation should be taken seriously.

Make sure you proofread your resume and have someone else review it for you, too. It would be such a shame to get everything listed above done correctly and then not be taken seriously because you didn’t spell something correctly.

You now have an opportunity to get your foot in the door. Make the most of it. Use the advice above to create a college graduate resume that gets the attention of employers and makes them WANT to learn more about you.

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