Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Networking for a Job

Networking can be a powerful thing; many term this the "hidden job market".

Networking is probably the best way to get a job in today's tough economy. Most of the jobs I hear of people getting are from people they know, not from ads they read or from websites they visit. The other thing is that we often think of networking as having to go to some strange meetings with people we don't know and meet/greet, trade business cards and hope we can work something out. That isn't it - although there is a place for that, too. Networking is mostly about keeping in touch with the people you already know. Just drop folks a note or give them a call. Do this regularly - before you need a job. Help them, too, if there is something they need. It works both ways. When the time is right, the people you know will be the ones to help you get your next job.

Here is an article to help with this, too: Networking for a job

It explains more about what networking is and how to keep in touch with people in a "real" kind of way.

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