Monday, April 09, 2007

Strange Jobs - Would you want to do this?

Odd Jobs

Some of these are funny and some of them are very odd
All of them are REAL

No, this isn't referring to the "odd jobs around the house" that need to be done from time to time. This is about real jobs that individuals hold, but that most people don’t think about.

For instance:

1. If you work for the Research and Development department of a lawn care product manufacturer, you get to play with bugs. Actually, you get to research chemical products that kill bugs, but for grown-up boys, this is just an extra.

2. Wastewater Treatment Centers need workers, too. Reclaimed wastewater is used on a number of golf courses to keep those greens nice and, well, green. Perhaps you could claim the next 18 holes as a business expense.

3. Who feeds the baby mice to the snakes in the zoo? There's an odd one for you.

4. Someone created a web site called Of course, it just proves that you can find anything and everything on the Internet. They even market a potty that is painted in camouflage for hunters (doubles as a hunting blind). What will they think of next? Will you create the newest most amazing toilet ever? This could be the job for you.

5. At, you can have your portrait re-created using sets of dominoes. Really. It’s actually amazing. Robert Bosch is the designer and uses a mathematical process called integer programming to achieve the results. Seems like a neat way to spend an afternoon. You could learn to do this… maybe.

6. As an Horticulture Agent for a local County Extension Office, one of your tasks would be to identify pest and disease problems for trees and other plants. It isn’t always a pretty sight, but such problems are vital to diagnose for orchards and many other growers. It's not especially "odd", but it's not especially exciting, either.

7. Perhaps you would like to be a Fish Culturist and be responsible for the care of salmon. The pay isn’t bad, but the smell might be. Of course, if you live in the Midwest, you will have to relocate. The last job posting for this was in Alaska.

8. Have you ever wanted to be a steeplejack? That's an odd job title, don't you agree? You can’t be afraid of heights as you would be working on towers, tall buildings, church spires, and such. Usually the position involves repair and/or maintenance, but mostly it involves being able to stay balanced.

As you can see, there are a variety of interesting jobs that people do – or even have created for themselves. Some are more intriguing than others, but all are of value in some way or another. Mostly, the value is in shaking your head back and forth while sipping your beverage of choice and thanking the Good Lord for giving you a sense of humor.

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