Saturday, March 17, 2007

Be In Demand With These Ten Traits

Do you want to be in demand?

Employers are always looking for certain things in job candidates. If you can master these ten skills, you will be ahead of your competitors in the job market and you will stand a much better chance of getting a great job.

Be In Demand With These Ten Traits

1. Budget management - Effective budget management means taking steps to ensure that a manageable and controllable budget is in place and that procedures are defined to eliminate cash crunch situations from developing.

2. Speaking – Being able to work with someone one on one as well as conduct effective meetings is vital in today's business environment. Can you communicate ideas, persuade clients or business partners, motivate and inspire employees and explain complex issues? If so, you will be in demand by employers.

3. Writing – Writing involves clearly identifying ideas and relating them to others in a way that allows for few or no misconceptions. All business communication must be professional, concise and easy to understand. Where communication is concerned, more is better than less.

4. Public Relations – It is important to be able to handle yourself well in any given situation, but especially when you represent the organization for which you work. Being prepared is crucial to success in public relations.

5. Organization/Prioritization – Are you good at keeping tabs on your job responsibilities and monitoring your progress to ensure that deadlines are met and tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.

6. Initiative – If it needs to be done, either do it or get someone who is responsible for that item to get it done. The worst thing an employer can hear is "It's not my job." Show the employer that you are a "go getter".

7. Interviewing – Not all interviews take place in the Human Resources department. Each department in which there is a vacancy will likely have one or two people taking time to determine the most qualified person for the job. If you can interview someone well, you will be in demand

8. Negotiating – Getting the best deal for the company is something in which employers are always interested. Everything is about the bottom line. Is there a way to cut costs by negotiating better contracts? If you can show an employer that you can successfully negotiate good deals, you will be the favored candidate.

9. Teaching Others – Teaching is an essential element of leadership. If you can convey directions or instructions in a way that allows others to implement ideas and/or designs, you will find yourself in demand by employers.

10. Energy – If you are always willing to give an extra effort to everything you do, it will become readily apparent to everyone. Getting to work before your co-workers and staying a little later makes huge difference in how you are viewed, especially if you are known to demonstrate good use of your time.

Now that you know which skills matter most to employers, you have an idea of what you should focus on to ensure you are successful in your career.

There are also professional traits that will help you in your job search. Take a look at this article: Personal and Professional Traits

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