Monday, April 02, 2007

Leaving the Military

If you are in the process of leaving the military for civilian life, expect some big changes. If you have already left the military and are embarking on a new career, you already have a bit of a grasp of how difficult it is to make the transition.

One of the most frustrating aspects of changing careers from military to civilian is transforming your resume from jargon and acronyms to terms that ordinary folks can understand. My husband went through this when he left the Air Force and started looking for work in the corporate world. It's not easy to translate Combat Communications Officer into something that corporate employers are going to understand.

Something that will be of immense help to you is the option of viewing a real resume prepared by a service member which was actually used to find a position with a major international manufacturing corporation.

Take a look at this link to see how one person's resume was updated from a military perspective toward a more civilian perspective. Understand that some things just do not translate well, so it's a challenge no matter what you've done in the past. Just keep revising your resume and ask others to review it for you.

Here's the link: Military to Civilian

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