Wednesday, April 11, 2007

How Long Should Your Resume Be?

The length of your resume is less important than its substance. Remember when you were told, especially as a child, that it wasn't what you wore on the outside, but what kind of person you were on the inside? Well, to some extent, that is exactly the same with your resume.

The length is not as important as the content.

How long should your resume be? The length of your resume should be in direct proportion to your success in reaching your career goals and in pursuing related educational objectives. What does that mean?

Write your resume in such a way that the reader knows exactly what you want and your credentials support that goal. Anything more becomes tedious and takes away from the impact of your true purpose. Anything less and your goal become unsubstantiated by your past experience and education.

Most experts suggest you keep your resume to two pages. If you can fit your skills and accomplishments on one page, that is even better. If you are a professional or executive, two pages should do nicely, but be sure you are using only what best supports your career goals.

The goal of the resume is to get the interest of the prospective employer to the extent that you are sought out for an interview. If your resume does that, then the length of your resume will not be an issue. Write what matters.

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