Creating an Excellent Resume
You have to create an excellent resume if you want to get a great job. There are so many job candidates vying for the same position that you want. You have to ensure your credentials are presented to employers in a way that reveals your ability to at least meet their expectations – and hopefully even exceed them.
Review these awesome resume tips and make sure your resume is the hiring manager's dream resume.
Resume Tips:
Do not think simply in terms of duties and responsibilities. You must also demonstrate accomplishments from your job history.
Choose items from your work experience that show the employer that you can do the job you are applying for. If your work experience is limited, include volunteer work, school jobs, offices you have held and extracurricular activities where you were especially successful.
Be consistent in your use of tense-specific statements (i.e. prepared, designed, and created).
You want a resume that is bold and stands out, but not so much that it makes the hiring manager wary. You want to use active language to show the employer that you are achievement-oriented.
Avoid being wordy.
The length of your resume is important. Resumes should be no more than 2 pages long. Hiring managers do not have the time to spend reading anything longer than that.
The overall appearance of your resume is also important. Keep everything aligned neatly and allow some room for white space. A hiring manager has to read a lot of resumes and their eyes get tired, too.
Do not use wild colors, cute graphics, or odd colored paper. Nothing will rule you out faster than not adhering to the norms of resume writing.
Use high-quality paper. Make sure the paper you use for your cover letter is the same paper you use for your resume.
Proofread everything, even your contact information.
If you want a hiring manager to take more than 30 seconds to review your resume, you have to be willing to put in enough time creating it to make it a worthwhile read. When you follow the resume tips listed above, you will stand a much better chance of creating a resume that gets read from top to bottom. More importantly, you are more likely to get a call for an interview.
Carla Vaughan, Owner/Webmaster
Professional Resumes
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