Is Your Resume Long Enough?
The length of your resume is less important than its substance. If your resume is properly worded, you can inject it with your accomplishments, expertise, skills and talents without having to wear out the reader with an abundance of unnecessary words.
What you write on your resume is more important than how long it is. Write what matters. Hit the employer between the eyes with your effective use of language. Convey your qualifications in vibrant prose so the reader cannot help but want to read more.
How long should your resume be? The length of your resume should be in direct proportion to your success in reaching your career goals and in pursuing related educational objectives. What does that mean?
Well, it means:
Show your accomplishments
Target your resume to the job and the company
Don't pad your resume
Be honest
Use action keywords
Only list what applies to the position you are seeking
Never use two words when one will do
Add enough white space to allow natural breaks in reading
Do not list references
Most experts suggest you keep your resume to two pages. If you can fit your skills and accomplishments on one page, that is even better. If you are a professional or executive, three pages may be required to tell the whole story, but be sure you are using only what best supports your career goals.
Write your resume in such a way that the reader knows exactly what you want and your credentials support that goal. Anything more becomes tedious and takes away from the impact of your true purpose. Anything less and your goal become unsubstantiated by your past experience and education.
The goal of the resume is to get the interest of the prospective employer to the extent that you are sought out for an interview. Whatever the length of your resume is, make sure that you are including the information that the employer needs in order to make an informed decision about whether or not to bring you in for an interview.
Remember that an employer doesn't have a great deal of time to devote to reading resumes, so make it easy and include what matters most in your resume. This is a time to show off, ok?
Carla Vaughan, Owner/Webmaster
Professional Resumes is a web site devoted to assisting candidates in the job-search process. Carla holds a B.S. in Business from Southern Illinois University and has authored several books.
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