Monday, October 10, 2005

Tips For Effective Group Relationships

Tips for Effective Group Relationships
(excerpt from Preparing For Career Success, 1997)

1. Treat others with respect.
2. Be willing to listen attentively.
3. Stick to the task.
4. Don't dominate the group.
5. Think before you speak.
6. Don't be afraid to speak up.
7. Avoid making cynical remarks.
8. Apologize if you offend someone.
9. Recognize and correct your mistakes.
10. Take the initiative to participate.
11. Provide feedback to other speakers.
12. Don't rejudge other people.
13. Keepp an open mind.
14. Don't be a know-it-all.
15. Cooperate with others.
16. Be open to suggestions.
17. Make suggestions to the group.
18. Evaluate all suggestions sincerely.
19. Ctiricize in a constructive way.
20. Tolerate differences in others.

from Preparing for Career Success, West Publishing Company, 1997, p.120


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