Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hurricane Katrina & Rita - Unemployment Compensation

Washington D.C. -- Evacuees who lost their jobs because of Hurricanes Katrina or Rita, and had to flee their homes, may be eligible to receive unemployment compensation where they currently reside.

The benefits, which also extend to self-employed persons, are funded through the Federal Emergency Management Agency in a 26-week Disaster Unemployment Assistance program administered by the states.

The program is available to unemployed U.S. nationals and qualified aliens who worked or were self-employed if they:

*worked or were self-employed in or were scheduled to begin work or self-employment in an area declared as a federal disaster area.
*can no longer work or perform services because of physical damage or destruction to the place of employment as a direct result of a disaster.
*establish that the work or self-employment they can no longer perform was their primary source of income.
*do not qualify for regular unemployment insurance benefits from any state.
*can not perform work or self-employment because of an injury or incapacity that is a direct result of the disaster.
*became the breadwinner or major support of a household because of the death of the head of the household.
*can not work or perform self-employment due to closure of a facility by the federal government.
*lost a majority of income or revenue because the employer or self-employed business was damaged, destroyed, or closed by the federal government.

Unemployed evacuees seeking to register for assistance should call the following toll-free numbers:

For displaced Alabama workers: 866-234-5382For displaced Louisiana workers: 800-430-8076; for questions, 1-866-783-5567For displaced Mississippi workers: 888-844-3577For displaced Texas workers: 800-939-6631

If not already done, evacuees should also make sure the Post Office has their current address. If not, go online to, call 1-800-275-8777, or go to any U.S. Post Office and submit a change of address request. After changing an address, call FEMA, 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) or TTY 1-800-462-7585 and update applicant files.


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