Friday, January 04, 2008

Goals and How to Achieve Them

Goals and How to Achieve Them

What goals are right for you? The answer depends upon what you want to achieve in life. Do you have goals for the future? Do you have a goal to get a new job? If so, what kind of job? Is your resume prepared? Does it have a goal?

For most people, life just "happens". There is no plan to achieve wealth, career success or financial security. Life just passes by day by day. We all hope for the best and gripe when things don't go our way. Wouldn't it make more sense to make a plan?

If you spend more time planning your next dinner menu than you do defining your goals and dreams, then you are missing out on an amazing opportunity to enrich your life.

If you don't set goals, you have nothing to focus your energy and time on, thus you end up wasting your life on things that have little or no value. Announcing to the world that you want to be a pediatrician means nothing unless you follow that goal up with a solid action plan.

How do you set goals so that you can achieve more in life?

Make them small enough that they are achievable. Then, break them down into tasks so that you can measure your success and ensure you are on track.

The reason most people don't set goals is because they're afraid that they will fail. Well, most folks do fail to achieve a goal (really a task along the way to a goal), but that doesn't mean you have to give up on the goal. Re-evaluate and move on. Don't quit.

If you happen to have a goal of getting a new job this coming year, take a look at this site and heed it's advice. It's worth your time.

Professional Resumes

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